Hmmm...nice idea but sadly let down by a very linear story line. Set in America, a breed of people called "Jumpers" are relentlessly pursued by a breed of humans called "Paladins". I say humans but it's never really explained where any of these figures are from.
Jumpers have the ability to teleport at will around the globe and create a crewneck from whatever is lying about. I made that last bit up but they DO have the ability to leap around the world by the power of thought alone.
This makes them the perfect bank-vault thief and our main character, David Rice, a cocky teenager who clearly loves his newly discovered skill, takes advantage of this and amasses a huge store of wealth.
He's also in possession of a skill which may enable him to ensnare his childhood sweetheart. Millie longs to see Rome...Dave can now wisk her off without even having to cash any of his ill-gotten gains!
Needless to say he is pursued by government forces lead by Samuel L Jackson who sports a head of snow white hair here! We are led through fight scene after fight scene until the director gets bored and the film ends at 1 hour and 20 minutes.
I was left feeling that I had simply watched a short, but admittedly mildly amusing, pilot for an imminent TV series. We will see.
Review by Mark Woods, LordBeanpod@GMail.com
globe,teenager,Rome,Italy,adventure,testosterone,macho,fight,punch,kick,aggression,kids,jumper trailer,teleportation,telekenesis
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