Tuesday 28 October 2008

Film Review - Mongol.

What a brilliant film! If you like stunning locations, great photography and awesome fight sequences then this is a film for you! From the get-go you know you're in for a treat. The opening shot pans through a spectacular set to the lead character who you instantly know is going to be a tough nut to crack...well, the guy IS Ghengis Khan!

No previous knowledge of the life of Ghengis is required...you will be harshly educated. You'll learn about yurts! You'll see offal enjoyed as a breakfast! See Mongolian forms of punishment!

The film moves at great pace through his eventful and grim life and, frankly, I'd watch this sort of film just for the photography. It really is a stunning piece of cinema to look at. You may have to do this if you mistakenly buy the DVD in the original Mongolian dialogue! Make sure it has English subtitles!

If you like action and drama I recommend this film. 8/10.

Review by Mark Woods, 2008. LordBeanpod@GMail.com

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