Monday 13 October 2008

Sony NWD-B103 1 gigabyte MP3 player review.

This is a great little MP3's my first "proper" player and the quality shows...the colour display is readable, the build quality is good and the sound, with the aid of my Sony "Fontopia" earphones (see my other review) and the on-board graphic equaliser is ace!
The capacity on mine is 1 gig which is fine for about 7 albums or so....hours of podcasts or hours of voice recording if you use the built-in microphone which has a selection of 3 different sampling rates. The player recognises WMA and MP3 formats.
Drag and drop using windows (or linux as I do myself) is simple. No iTunes style messing about!
Battery life is good with about 12 hours being the most I've used it for continuosly. All on a 2 hour charge. 3 minutes charge gives about 3 hours playback I've read. The interface is USB 2.0 which also draws charge for the battery - much better than faffing with a seperate lead.
Rgarding your comment about boot-up time, Supermetroid, it's short enough that if you turn the player on, sort out your headphones and plug in, it's on and ready which I find fine in my experience. It could be considered a bit slow if you want "instant-on"!
This cost £20 from HMV in 2006 and I've seen them on eBay for around £4 now in 2008! I'm buying another for the missus.
Highly recommended and easy to use with a good interface; select by artist, album or simply "play all". This really is one of my favourite pieces of gadgetry.

Reviewed by Mark Woods, 2008.

mp3,music,personal,player,audio,playlist,track listing,bass,treble,sony,rewind,fast forward,wma,display,rock,classical

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