Monday, 3 November 2008

Film Review - The Bucket List.

This film left me laughing and my missus crying!

A long-time fan of both Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman I went into this film expecting to entertained somehow at least. I also expected it to be bittersweet.

I didn't expect a film about two men with cancer to somehow leave me feeling I'd just watched a "feelgood" film. But that's exactly what this is..

The two lead characters are polarised in their attitudes to life, their success in life thus far and their outlook on their shared news that they have been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

What follows is their decision to enjoy their last few months on the Earth attaining as many of their ambitions on their newly devised "Bucket List" before they pop off to join the Choir Invisible.

It's as simple as that but with two fine actors, a great script and an excellent director (Rob Reiner) we are treated to what is simply a magical cinema experience.

Highly recommended. 8/10

Reviewed by Mark Woods, 2008.

Jack Nicholson,Morgan Freeman,death,cancer,wish,adventuure,excitement,feelgood,hospital,skydive,garage,funeral,life,faith,trailer,bucket list trailer

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