Saturday 3 January 2009

Book Review - Angels of Death; Inside the Bikers' Global Crime Empire by William Marshall and Julian Sher.

Truly scared. That's how I felt when I discovered my own perception of the Hells Angels and other bike gangs such as the Outlaws, Bandidos, Vagos and Mongols was so completely wrong.

I love my 'bikes. I love my rock music. I like a drink or three. However, any similarities between myself and these "biking enthusiasts" end there I hope. This book demonstrates through documentary evidence and court records the true reason why bike gangs have grown so massively and globally. Drugs provide the main income for them and a rapid absorption across the world of existing business has left the Angels top dogs in a terrifying world. Cocaine, Marijuana, Methamphetamines....these are the guys manufacturing and selling.

They've got their fingers in most pies. Prostitution, racketeering, extortion, murder. If you want to know how wrong your ideas about gangs are I suggest you read this. It's an easy read...the two professional journalists have made a brilliant job of piecing together all the fragments from over the planet into a historically timelined true story. From undercover cops (truly brave guys in my opinion) to car bombs, rocket attacks on clubhouses to dismembered corpses you'll find it here. Closer than you think too.

I'd rather know what to avoid by facing up to the truth of what is going on out there.

I strongly recommend you read these 452 pages.

Review by Mark Woods., 2009.

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